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Claron Lodge - Fire Risk Assessment

Responsible person (e.g. employer) or person having control of the premises:

Ruth France

Address of premises: Claron Lodge Chapel Lane. West Wittering, PO20 8QG

Number of floors: 2 Number of rooms: 3

Construction: Mix of Brick and Timber Frame

Date of fire risk assessment: 30 September 2023

Date of previous fire risk assessment: Not applicable

Fire hazards and controls

Are fixed electrical installations inspected and tested every 5 years?


Are electrical appliances periodically inspected and tested?


Is the use of trailing leads and adaptors avoided where possible?


Are gas appliances inspected and tested every 12 months?

Not applicable. No gas in guest accommodation.

Is smoking permitted on the premises?


Are suitable arrangements in place for those who wish to smoke?

No. Guests are advised upon booking that smoking is strictly not allowed in rooms or anywhere else on the premises, inside or outside, other than at the far edges of the large garden. Other than that, anyone who wishes to smoke must go off site.

Are the premises adequately secured to prevent unauthorised access?


Are combustible materials, waste and refuse bins stored safely clear of the premises or in purpose-built compounds/rooms?


Are fixed heating systems subject to periodic maintenance?

Not applicable. The only heating is wet-system radiators.

Are portable heaters subject to periodic inspection and used safely?

These are not provided or allowed in guest accommodation.

Are there adequate fire precautions in the use of open fires and log burners? e.g. regular chimney sweeping

There are no open fires or log burners in guest accommodation.

Are adequate measures taken to prevent fires from cooking equipment? e.g. prohibiting deep fat fryers

Yes. Guest kitchenettes are only supplied with induction hob, microwave oven, toaster and kettle. Terms and Conditions state that guests may not bring additional equipment which could be a risk on site. There are smoke alarms close to kitchenettes which are tested and maintained regularly.

Are filters and ductwork subject to regular cleaning?

Not applicable.

Is the standard of housekeeping adequate to avoid the accumulation of combustible materials and waste e.g. from tumble dryers?

Not applicable. No equipment which would require such measures are provided within guest accommodation.

Are combustible materials kept separate from ignition and heat sources?

Not applicable.

Is it ensured that all contractors who undertake work on the premises are competent and qualified?


Are suitable measures in place to address the fire hazards associated with the use and storage of dangerous substances?

Not applicable.

Are there any other significant fire hazards in the premises?


If the answer to the above question is yes, please list each hazard and any control measure to reduce the risk of fire, in the box below. If the answer to any question is no, include suitable action within the Action Plan.

You should list each hazard, and any related control measure to reduce the risk of fire, in this space.

Fire protection measures

Are all escape routes kept clear of obstructions to enable people to escape safely?


Are all fire exits easily and immediately openable?

Yes. Thumb turn locks are fitted to the inside of all guest room doors and final exit door from the building.

Are distances to final exits considered reasonable?


Do the walls and structures protecting the stairway and escape routes provide an adequate level of fire resistance?

Yes. All materials used meet required spread of flame standards.

Is the fire resistance of doors to stairways and escape routes considered adequate?

Yes. Fire doors are fitted to all guest rooms. Doors from upstairs guest rooms open directly onto the stairway which goes directly to final the exit door. This is also the route used for access to guest rooms so guests see the route as they are checked in.

Not relevant for downstairs room as room door goes directly out to the garden.

Where necessary, are doors fitted with suitable self-closing devices that close the doors effectively?

Not applicable. The only doors are those to the guest bedrooms so guests will close these upon retiring.

Are there adequate levels of artificial lighting provided in the escape routes?

Yes. These are also on motion sensor switches.

Not relevant for downstairs room as room door goes directly out to the garden.

Where necessary, has a reasonable standard of emergency escape lighting been provided?

Torches are provided in all rooms; however, the exit route from the 2 upstairs rooms is obvious. It is the route used for access to these guest rooms so guests see the route as they are checked in.

Not relevant for downstairs room as room door goes directly out to the garden.

Where necessary, is a reasonable standard of fire exit and fire safety signs provided?

Not applicable. The exit route from the 2 upstairs rooms is obvious. It is the route used for access to these guest rooms so guests see the route as they are checked in.

Not relevant for downstairs room as room door goes directly out to the garden.

Are smoke and/or heat alarms/detectors provided and is the extent and coverage considered adequate? Consider also CO alarms.

Yes. These linked wirelessly and are currently battery powered. A mains-powered solution will be installed within the next 24 months.

Is there a reasonable provision of firefighting equipment (fire extinguishers, fire blankets)?

No. Not needed given lack of sources of ignition in guest rooms.

Record brief details of the above measures in the box below. If the answer to any question is no, include suitable action within the Action Plan.

You should write brief details of each of your fire protection measures here. The downstairs room exits directly to the outside so there is no need for fire exit signposting, lighting and so on. For the upstairs rooms the route is short and obvious, and guests can’t fail to see it upon arrival. It is the route used for access to these guest rooms so guests see the route as they are checked in. There are no sources of ignition within guest rooms and all building fabric is compliant with building regulations for spread of flame. All guest rooms are equipped with torches as a ‘peace of mind’ measure.

Management of fire safety

Are procedures in the event of fire appropriate and documented?

Yes, given the extremely low risk levels. Advising guests on arrival about fire alarms and exits is part of the check-in procedure.

Is the information on fire safety and the action to take in the event of a fire given to guests?

Yes. Verbally upon arrival. Terms and Conditions also cover relevant rules (no smoking and not bringing portable electrical appliances into rooms).

Are any staff members given regular instruction and training on the action to take in the event of a fire?

Not applicable. No staff.

Are frequent checks carried out to ensure exit routes are kept clear and fire exits remain easily openable?

Yes. RF reviews prior to every guest check in.

Are periodic checks carried out on fire doors to ensure they remain in good condition and close effectively?

Yes. RF reviews prior to every guest check in.

Are domestic smoke and heat alarms tested at least monthly? Include CO alarms in testing.

Yes. Automatically by the web-based service they are connected to.

Where fitted, are weekly testing and six-monthly servicing routines in place for the fire detection and alarm system?

Not applicable

In self-catering premises, are all smoke/heat alarms (or fire detection and alarm systems, where fitted) tested at every changeover?


Where fitted, are monthly and annual testing routines in place for the emergency escape lighting?

Not applicable.

Where provided, are fire extinguishers subject to annual maintenance?

Not applicable.

Are records of testing and maintenance maintained?

Not applicable.

Record brief details of the above measures in the box below. If the answer to any question is no, include suitable action within the Action Plan.

You should write brief details of each of your management of fire safety measures here. RF uses guest room prep and guest check in check list: 1. Escapes routes clear 2. Check room doors, final exit door and thumb turns 3. Test room fire alarm 4. Advise guests that fire alarms are fitted and interconnected with other room 5. Advise guests to vacate building if the alarm sounds: · Downstairs room – directly out to garden · Upstairs rooms – down stairs and out to garden · All then congregate in Orchard


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